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Sunday, August 09, 2009

The Memphis Wingnut Invasion

Ignorant, gullible yahoosA Memphis townhall on Social Security and veterans' benefits held by Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee was taken over by the typical townhall mob. It's really the same story as the rest of them; angry wingnuts freaking out like it was the end of the world, thinking that Barack Obama is to going to kill their grandma, and idiots who don't seem to know that Medicare is a government program, as one guy demonstrated:

Memphis Commercial Appeal:

Roger Fakes, 70, said he sat quitely during most of the meeting, but Cohen's insistence that citizens would be able to keep their private health care drove him to his feet.

He argued that changes to private insurance would force citizens into the government plan.

"There are some of us old gray-haired folks that don't want the government involved in any of our business," he said.

But it's the next line that really tells the whole story:

The nearly all-white audience was not a snapshot of the mostly African-American 9th District that Cohen represents.

Here's an idea. If you want to go make a public ass of yourself, why don't you do it in your own district? People who actually live in the district would kind of like the chance to talk to their representative and a bunch of gullible, ignorant yahoos yelling and screaming about how Obama's going to kill them doesn't really make that possible.


Anonymous said...

If you actually knew anything about Memphis, you would understand why it was composed of a majority of Caucasians and not African-Americans. Memphis is roughly 70% African-American, of which a majority is on welfare. The other 30% is composed of Caucasians, Hispanics, and Asians. The people that probably showed up to that meeting are the few that care enough to be there. You present a small portion of the story and make a judgment, that is ridiculous.

Can you honestly tell me whether you have read the health bill or not?

Anonymous said...

"Memphis is roughly 70% African-American, of which a majority is on welfare."
"You present a small portion of the story and make a judgment" kettle.

Don't you have a klan rally go to?

Wisco said...

-Memphis is roughly 70% African-American, of which a majority is on welfare. The other 30% is composed of Caucasians, Hispanics, and Asians. The people that probably showed up to that meeting are the few that care enough to be there. You present a small portion of the story and make a judgment, that is ridiculous.-

For the sake of argument, let's say that you're absolutely correct -- all of these dark people are lazy, shiftless welfare slobs who don't have to worry about health care -- they all get Medicaid.

The town hall was on Social Security and veterans benefits. Are you saying that no black people in Memphis are on SS or are veterans? Really?

It helps when you actually think. Of course, then you wouldn't be a wingnut or a racist.

And this was fun:

-Can you honestly tell me whether you have read the health bill or not? -

Have you? Because that'd be a real good trick. There isn't "a" bill, there are multiple bills in the house and one in the senate. None are final drafts.

If you're going to repeat GOP talking points, I've got a tip for you -- they're usually bullshit and depend on everyone having no idea what the hell they're talking about. When that's not the case, you just wind up demonstrating how ignorant you are.

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