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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Obama to Hold NH Town Hall Tues.

Barack ObamaNBC's Chuck Todd is reporting that President Obama will hold his own town hall in New Hampshire Tuesday and that many will be wondering "if this town hall invites the same passion as we've witnessed at town halls for members of Congress this last week"

"[A]s much as some might want to believe the White House will be staging the questions, don't believe that hype," he reports. "The White House knows the political price for being caught doing that is MUCH higher than having to deal with a confrontation or two at the meeting itself. If anything, I'd bet some inside the White House are hoping for a confrontation since they believe the president's demeanor alone will politically play well with the folks the White House cares most about right now, ACTUAL independents."

Of course, the GOP can't help but jump in here by inviting wingnuts to show. NBC has the following email:

NHRVC [New Hampshire Republican Volunteer Coalition] members and others,

Barack Hussein Obama will be arriving in Portsmouth on Tuesday to hold a STAGED "Town Hall Meeting", where he will essentially hand pick who the guests will be and what types of questions will be asked of him.

A MASSIVE protest rally is being organized just outside of the facility where Obama will be holding his "Town Hall Meeting" to promote his plan for a government takeover of your healthcare decisions.

There will be news media from all over the world at this event and it will be the ideal opportunity for us to tell the rest of the country exactly how NH voters feel about Obamacare (taxed/rationed healthcare). It will be the most important pro-liberty event of the year in NH and it is critically important that every one of us attend.

If you can, bring a sign that says something like, "OBAMACARE=TAXED/RATIONED HEALTHCARE", etc.

Come anytime between 8am-4pm (peak time will be 11am-4pm)

See you there!!

The way the GOP's been playing things lately, you're a little suprised that it doesn't read "Barack HUSSEIN Obama will be arriving in Portsmouth on Tuesday..." This really is a typical Republican party email. It's like they think in buzzwords and catch-phrases.

If Todd's right and the White House is hoping for confrontation, the GOP is more than happy to supply it. In fact, it'd be hard to figure how they'd be able to do anything else at this point.


Anonymous said...

"Barack Hussein Obama will be arriving in Portsmouth on Tuesday to hold a STAGED "Town Hall Meeting", where he will essentially hand pick who the guests will be and what types of questions will be asked of him."

I remember when Bush held STAGED "Town Hall Meetings", that were really STAGED!!! Those were the good old days when people were arrested for the heinous crime of wearing anti-Bush t-shirts. Yup, when Bush did it, that was patriotic...when Barry Hussein the Muslim doesn't actually do what Bush did...well, he's not really the president because he was born in Kenya and has an Indonesian passport. Seriously, how twisted, stupid, and downright dangerous are these conservative idiots?

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