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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Other Stuff Orly Taitz Believes

It sounds like someone ought to give birther icon Orly Taitz all the time she wants. Just turn on a camera, fire a starting gun, and let the crazy spill out. In a piece for Esquire, John H. Richardson just shuts up and lets her rant. After following her around Kentucky as she tries to report Obama's illegal alien status to Commissioner of Criminal Investigations and the FBI, Richardson just lets Taitz vent and you get an idea of just how crazy this particular wingnut is:

Orly TaitzBut Taitz wasn't finished. She marched her troops straight over to the secretary of state's office and did the exact same presentation all over again. Then she headed to the FBI to do it a third time. And the whole time, she never stopped talking:

Goldman Sachs runs the treasury.

Obama is a puppet.

There's a cemetery somewhere in Arizona where they just dug 30,000 fresh graves, which wait now for the revolution.

Baxter International -- a major Obama contributor -- developed a vaccine for bird flu that actually kills people.

Google Congressman Alcee Hastings and House Bill 684 and you'll see that they're planning at least six civilian labor camps.

Google an article in the
San Francisco Chronicle about train cars with shackles.

The communist dictator Hugo Chavez way back in 2004 purchased the Sequoia software that runs our voting machines and the mainstream media won't report any of it -- not even Fox because Saudi Arabia bought a percentage of Fox in 2007.

This is the stuff that the media never gives Taitz a chance to say because it's so focused on the news hook of the "birther" issue. (And, believe me, this has been merely a tiny sample of what I saw on my road trip this spring.) But this is the stuff that reveals who she really is, and what this movement really is...

[A]ll of Taitz's followers seemed like very nice people. Even Taitz had her good side on the rare occasions when she stopped talking for long enough that it could come out. I saw it when she talked about her three sons, or joked about how glad her husband was to get her out of the house. But there was fear and sadness in all of the "birthers," and a sense that things were surely coming to an end. And they were willing to believe anything bad that anybody said about Obama, no matter how or implausible or unfair.

It was pus exploding from a wound.

Definitely worth a read, just to get a look inside this movement. I always say that it's the true-believers you have to watch out for. They're the terrorists, they're the people who start wars, they're the people who demand the world conform to their views, because they are, in their minds at least, the most correct people on the face of the Earth. You find them in churches and in think tanks, shrieking on street corners and pounding their fists on FOX News, at school meetings yelling about creationism and in Christian Universities teaching it.

Not surprisingly, there's a sad little insularity to being a true-believer. They aren't happy people, even though they believe they're the sole guardians of the truth.


Dad said...

Many would say that the founding fathers were true believers along with Galileo, Einstein, and Henry Ford. The true believers may be hard to get along with but they are the people who create change.

"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” - Steve Jobs

M said...

The true believers may be hard to get along with but they are the people who create change.

Facts really don't give a damn what you believe.

Scientists, innovators, diplomats and revolutionaries have no peer in Orly Taitz.

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