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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

How to be a Right Wing Hero

Sarah Palin has a new op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. Subject: more bullshit about healthcare reform. Should you read it? Well, only if you haven't been paying attention lately. At this point, anyone who's had a passing familiarity with Palin and reform could probably write it themselves. Steve Benen nails it:

I guess I'm supposed to feel a sense of outrage about the latest in a long line of ridiculous Palin arguments, but I'm finding it difficult to get worked up about this. Palin doesn't know anything about health care policy, and has probably never given the subject more than 30 seconds of thought. Her op-ed -- the writer made no effort to craft the piece in a way that sounds anything like the former governor -- doesn't say anything remotely new or interesting. Palin has just become rather... what's the word... boring.

Instead of disgust, I read the Palin piece with Barney Frank's adage in mind: "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. I have no interest in doing it."

He goes on to point out that this is Palin remaining in the spotlight, "hoping the media will run with an 'Obama v. Palin' frame today." Not much chance of that. The problem with Palin is that she's great at "making stuff up," as she might put it, but not in adding anything worth a damn to the conversation.

It strikes me that this is the GOP these days -- Sarah Palin is the model. They take the people who saying the stupidest goddam things and make them their biggest heroes. Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, and the more L-challenged Michele Bachmann, just about anyone writing for WorldNetDaily, etc. All you have to do is make some insane accusation with no basis in reality and off you go to the Republican Hall of Fame. It's like a contest where they try to out-stupid and out-lie each other and the base rewards them for it. They value truth not at all and rationalism even less.

They just want the person who's most likely to make them crap their pants in panic. Want fame and the adulation of countless wingnuts? Say Obama has a secret plan to release hungry tigers in Republican districts. You'll be their favorite person ever.

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