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Friday, November 06, 2009

A Note to Teabaggers -- From Americans

For all the "Americans have spoken" talk at yesterday's Shelly Bachmann-sponsored Healthcare-Hatefest yesterday, it pays to remember where the mainstream really flows. A new CNN/Opinion Research poll [PDF] finds that majorities want to go ahead with some kind of healthcare reform (53%), want a public option (55%), and back Obama's reform plans (51%).

Bonus fun -- whether or not it's entirely true -- the public sees Republicans as the big roadblock here:

In your view, is Barack Obama doing enough to cooperate with the Republicans in Congress, or not?

74% - Yes, doing enough
25% - No, not enough
01% - No opinion

In your view, are Republicans in Congress doing enough to cooperate with Barack Obama, or not?

39% - Yes, doing enough
60% - No, not enough
01% - No opinion

Americans have spoken all right -- and they're saying the exact opposite of what the teabaggers are saying. It'd be nice if one of these polls would ask about Blue Dog Democrats who are the ones really holding up reform, but I guess we could probably lump them in fairly safely with Republicans here. It's probably not 100% accurate to do so, but until we get some numbers, that "square peg in slightly less-square hole" equation is going to have to do.

As far as the anti-reform wingnuts being the "voice of real America" goes, that line is provably false. The odds are very good that they don't speak for you.

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