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Saturday, November 07, 2009

Pence: Voting Against Healthcare Reform as Heroic as Dying in WWII

What would a Republican statement about healthcare reform be without insane hyperboly? House GOP conference chairman Rep. Mike Pence says that Democrats who vote against the House healthcare reform bill will be just like WWII vets who "risked their lives for freedom."

That's right, if you vote against healthcare reform, you could be killed! Not sure how that happens, but there ya go.

There's a group of Hoosiers that are making their way to that memorial as we speak, some of whom are making their first and probably only visit to a memorial that was built in their honor. I will take all the time they need to shake every hand and thank every hero for what they did for freedom. They risked their lives for freedom. We will find out today if enough conservative democrats are willing to vote No for freedom.

"By the way, Pence's claim is interesting not just for its apparently lopisided historical comparison between health care reform and the Nazis/Japanese as a threat to freedom and Democracy," writes Greg Sargent. "Via the Department of Veterans Affairs, World War II and other vets, of course, enjoy government-run health care."

So there's that.

Of course, it won't be the Democrats who vote against healthcare reform who'll die if Pence has his way, it'll be the 45,000 who die every year because of a lack of health insurance. That's one every twelve minutes.

Spin that into an inapt, overblown, grim-faced, and oh-so heartfelt historical parallel, Mike. Tell them that it's worth it for whatever the hell it is you're calling "freedom" these days.

That won't fly any better.

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