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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Google's 10 Most Searched Senators for 2009

I thought this was interesting more for the omissions than anything.

The Hill's Blog Briefing Room:

Google has released an interesting list of the most searched-for members of the Senate. Here's the top 10 of 2009:

1. kennedy
2. nelson
3. boxer
4. feinstein
5. reid
6. byrd
7. dodd
8. schumer
9. grassley
10. warner

So who's not here? "Interestingly, Olmpia Snowe didn't crack the top 10, despite endless stories about her ability to make or break on healthcare," the report tells us. I also noticed the absence of Joe Lieberman.

I guess moves designed to grab the media's attention don't always grab anyone else's.

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