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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Griper Blade: Abortion, Healthcare Reform, and Self-Destructive Idiocy

Here's a bit of good news, The Hill reports that the author of an anti-abortion amendment to the House healthcare bill doesn't give a Senate version of the same bad law very favorable odds in the Senate.

Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) said Monday he thinks its unlikely the Senate will pass restrictions on funding for abortion similar to those passed by the House.

Stupak, the author of an amendment to the House's health reform bill that curtailed federal subsidies for coverage of abortion, told the Detroit Free Press it's unlikely the Senate will pass a similar amendment.

“I think it will be a tight vote,” Stupak told the paper. “I don’t think we will prevail in the Senate.”

Imagine my disappointment. The Yooper rep's amendment would basically kill the coverage of elective abortion in health insurance plans. Bart Stupak, a member of the C Street cult "The Family," thinks that healthcare reform means reducing coverage for women. I think that's what I dislike most about anti-abortion politicians -- they're arrogant and always fundamentally dishonest... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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