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Monday, December 07, 2009

Griper Blade: Birther Issue Won't Go Away

Obama birth certificateAmong the stereotypically crazy wingnut beliefs is birtherism -- the idea that Barack Obama is really an illegal alien, making him constitutionally unqualified to be president. It's been so widely debunked that there's really no point in doing it again here. Suffice it to say that, if you still buy into this thing, you're either 1) astoundingly ignorant, 2) a gullible ass, or 3) an astoundingly ignorant gullible ass. At this point, it takes a real effort to buy this urban legend. Apparently, there are still plenty willing to make the effort.

In July, a Research2000 poll found that 11% of respondents answered the question, "Do you believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States of America or not?" with "no." As always in these polls lately, it was Republicans who were throwing the curve toward "crazy." 4% of Democrats thought the president was an alien, with 3% saying they weren't sure. 8% of Independents said that Obama wasn't really American and 9% weren't sure.

For Republican voters, it was 28% non-citizen and 30% unsure. 58% of Republican respondents were either birthers or wondered whether birther charges had merit... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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