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Monday, December 14, 2009

Griper Blade: Lieberman the Faithless

McCain and Lieberman embraceThere are things we can all agree upon; the sky is blue, water's wet, zero degrees Fahrenheit is cold, etc. I think another thing we should add to that list is that Joe Lieberman is a horse's ass. That seems like a pretty safe one to me. As Lieberman's fourth term as the junior senator from the state of Connecticut goes on, it becomes clearer and clearer that the voters of that state have made a tremendous mistake. If you guys want a Republican, then elect a Republican, not this wishy-washy, fence-straddling pile of "Look at me!"

And that's Sen. Joe Lieberman in a nutshell; he isn't about good governance or reasoned debate, he's all about Joe Lieberman. It's telling that, when he lost the Democratic primary 2006, he founded the "Connecticut for Lieberman Party" to run as a third party candidate. Lieberman is for Lieberman, even though the party he founded no longer is, and anyone who believes otherwise is ignoring the evidence.

When he ran against his party's nominee in 2006, the Democratic Party forgave him. When he campaigned with John McCain and was on McCain's short list for running mate, the Democratic Party forgave him. When his first act under a new Democratic president was to embrace a wingnut meme and announce he'd launch an investigation into Obama "czars," the Democratic Party forgave him. When he declared he'd join a Republican filibuster over the public option, the Democratic Party forgave him.

It's time to stop forgiving Joe Lieberman. He's useless... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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