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Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Two Faces of Sen. Judd Gregg

Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH) explains how obstructionism for political gain is the worst thing ever:

"Obstruction has become the only thing which the other side of the aisle appears to be able to do, obstruction for the purpose of obstruction for the purpose of obtaining power around here," Gregg says in the clip.

Of course, that was back in 2006, when Democrats were using procedural tactics to slow down some of Bush's crazier judicial nominees and screwier ideas. Things are different now:

Brian Beutler, Talking Points Memo:

If Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH) gets his way, the dilatory tactics that have marked the early days of the Senate health care debate will grow more and more severe.

"We, the minority party, must use the tools we have under Senate rules to insist on a full, complete and fully informed debate on the health care legislation - as well as all legislation - coming before the Senate," Gregg wrote in a letter to Republican colleagues yesterday. "As laid out in the attached document, we have certain rights before measures are considered on the floor as well as certain rights during the actual consideration of measures. Every Republican senator should be familiar with the scope of these rights, which serve to protect our ability to speak on behalf of the millions of Americans who depend on us to be their voice during this historic debate."

See, when Republicans do it, it's fighting the good fight. But when Democrats do it, it's throwing a monkeywrench into the gears of democracy. Gregg's right, they do "have certain rights before measures are considered on the floor as well as certain rights during the actual consideration of measures." Filibusters exist because the Senate rules seem to think they're a good idea (whether they are or not is another debate for another day).

But what he doesn't get to do is complain when the rules work against him and thump his chest self-righteously when they do. Especially when he makes it clear that they'll use every obstructionist tactic under the sun. TPM again:

Most of the steps Gregg suggests his colleagues take don't serve any substantive purpose at all, but simply cause the debate proceedings to grind to a halt. As if this debate was proceeding at lightning speed. And this was nearly President Obama's Commerce Secretary! Democrats, for their part, are saying they'll happily take the debate through Christmas if this sort of behavior persists.

Find a position on procedural rules and the filibuster and stick with it, Senator Gregg. It's called integrity.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Senator Gregg for fighting for what the majority believe.

This is not about health care but about controlling a managed society.

Thank you for doing the 'right' thing.

Wisco said...

This is not about health care but about controlling a managed society.

Sometime I wish people would make a point of saying whether they're actually a paranoid nutjob or if they're parodying a paranoid nutjob.

Right wing talking points have become so ridiculous that it's impossible to tell whether a commenter's being serious or not.

vet said...

Nothing inconsistent there. Gregg was (arguably) right in 2006 when he called the Dems obstructionist, and he hasn't denied the o-word now.

If he'd been rude back in '06 - if he'd called his opponents, e.g., "unimaginative", "unpatriotic" or "destructive" - something to imply that "obstruction" was a Bad Thing - then you'd have a case.

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