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Monday, January 11, 2010

Griper Blade: Reid's Just an Idiot, Not a Racist

Tom Halperin's and John Heilemann's new book, Game Change, seems like a gossip book. Mostly because it is. The authors defend the book against that charge by saying it's all true, so it can't be gossip. But they're confusing gossip and rumor. If the woman down the street has an affair, it'll set off all the neighborhood gossips. It's a celebrity scandal book focused on the political set.

But we'll look less at the gossip aspect of the book and more on the truth aspect here. The big scandal to break out of this book is that Harry Reid defended Barack Obama's electoral chances with a clumsy, poorly-phrased, and not very smart statement about how not-black seeming the candidate was. Republicans are arguing that this is every bit as bad as a statement that got Trent Lott kicked out of his leadership position. Asked if Reid should resign, Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele told FOX New Sunday, "I think he should, if the standard is the one set by [Trent Lott]."

Of course, Mike's got his own problems and has to welcome this distraction, but I haven't come across many dissenting opinions among Republicans, so we'll go with Steele's as representative... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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