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Thursday, January 07, 2010

Is Steele Cashing In on RNC Position?

Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele has had it with his critics. And he has tough words for them.

ABC News:

Steele“I tell them to get a life. That’s old Washington, that’s old ways, and I don’t represent that, and that kills them,” Steele told ABC News Radio in an interview today.

“I’m telling them and I’m looking them in the eye and say I’ve had enough of it. If you don’t want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up. Get with the program or get out of the way.”

The problem is that Mike's been hawking a book and a lot of people think he's more concerned with sales than with doing his job. Greg Sargent spoke with a "former RNC official" who told him that things don't look good.

"It’s not clear whether or not Steele is making money off this new book, but whenever the perception exists that a party official may be plumping up their bank balance and capitalizing on their position, it creates fodder for opponents and critics," the official said. "If proceeds from the book are going to the RNC or to a charity of some sort, he’d be smart to clarify that sooner rather than later."

Of course, it looks like Mike's pocketing the money. "Our reporter Beth Marlowe has been asking [the book's publisher] Regnery where the money is going for two days," Sargent reports. "No dice -- they won’t say."

To all the problems the GOP is facing this year, add "party chairman who doesn't have his eye on the ball."

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