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Friday, February 05, 2010

Griper Blade: Al Franken Beats David Axelrod with an Ashtray

Al FrankenIf you watched Jon Stewart's The Daily Show take on blogospheric sensationalism last night, you might find yourself taking a Politico headline with a grain of salt. After all, Stewart showed headlines that -- if taken literally -- would make himself and MSNBC's Rachel Maddow violent hotheads at best and serial killers at worst. Making a slam dunk sort of logical argument becomes "destroying" or "eviscerating" or "bitch slapping," when the arguments in question are just calm reasoning.

So, after seeing more solid reasoning on the unreasonable nature of blog headlines, you might be a little leery of "Al Franken lays into David Axelrod over health care bill."

Sen. Al Franken ripped into White House senior adviser David Axelrod this week during a tense, closed-door session with Senate Democrats... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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