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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Same Day Liz Cheney Attacks Obama's 'Incompetence' Fighting Terrorism, Bernie Kerik Sentenced to 4 Years

Oh that Obama fella, he just sucks at fighting terrorism! So says big-time terrorism expert Liz Cheney, who introduced her dad to be urged to run for president at the big Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) -- AKA "Crazy People's Action Conference" -- today.

Huffington Post:

"There's no polite way to put this, but that kind of incompetence gets people killed," Cheney said, accusing the Obama administration of missing warnings from the intelligence community that Yemeni terrorists were plotting an attack.

"There is no doubt that the daily intelligence briefings that the president receives contained much more information on the threat from Yemen," she said, without a hint of irony at the failures of the Bush-Cheney years, bemoaning "incompetence, misjudgment and presidential neglect."

Here's something else fun that happened today:

New York Times:

Former New York City police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, who was hailed as a hero alongside former Mayor Rudy Giuliani after the Sept. 11 terror attacks and nearly became chief of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, was sentenced to four years behind bars Thursday for eight felonies.

Kerik admitted in November that he lied to the White House, filed false taxes and committed other crimes.

''The fact that Mr. Kerik would use that event (9/11) for personal gain and aggrandizement is a dark place in the soul for me,'' said federal Judge Stephen Robinson.

Yeah, you guys really had that whole fighting terrorism thing buttoned down, didn't you? You can shut up now.


Michelle said...

The post is good. The tags are priceless. :)

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