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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Classless Conservative Sore-Loserism

Conservative cartoonist Darleen Click, brought to our attention by SEK at the blog Lawyers, Guns, and Money (click image for larger version):

From her blog post:

Oh I know I’m going to get called names on this. But I’m not going to play that game anymore. Like the sign at one of the TEA parties that said “it doesn’t matter what this sign says, you going to call it racist anyway.” When even the lawsuits now being brought by 30 plus state AG’s is considered racist, it is time to stop playing that game.


Heck, I want to shake them up. This is supposed to be a post-racial era? Then deal with the fact that the President of the United States is the head of a gang that just raped our American principles.

This is the way the right gets away with (and rationalizes) being total assholes; before anyone's even had a chance to chime in on her "cartoon" (in quotes because it's not even close to funny), she lays down the victim card. "No matter what I do, you're going to be mean to me, so I might was well be a complete ass."

There are 45,000 dead every year because of a lack of insurance. 46 million without insurance. Medical bills are the cause of half of all bankruptcies. This is a crisis.

And Click, as well as people like her, proclaim that to be what the founders intended. Never mind that Thomas Paine -- who teabaggers like to dress up as -- argued in favor of a national healthcare system. Apparently, the founders intended a supremely fucked up and unsustainable state of affairs.

I'm not going to call Click racist. I'll leave that to other people. I'm going to call her a fucking idiot. If getting affordable healthcare -- with the elimination of denials of coverage, recissions, and lifetime caps -- makes you feel like you've been raped, then I suggest you self-medicate with drugs and alcohol.

Not that it'd help, it'd just give you an excuse. If you're not drunk or high, I can only assume that you're fuckwitted. You lost a political battle. Unlike the battles liberals lost to Bush, no one's going to die and certainly not by the hundreds of thousands. I guess you could move to some conservative-Libertarian Utopia... Like, say, Somalia.

But, assuming you're going to stick around, try making some sort of an argument, instead of displaying how outraged you are by crudely drawing a Willy Horton-esque pile of idiotic bullshit. Whining isn't going to get you anywhere. Look at the evidence; it hasn't worked so far.


M said...

"Apparently, the founders intended a supremely fucked up and unsustainable state of affairs."

They hated the American government, too, right?

I think right wingers confuse the Founders with the Confederate founders.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

That means if Americans are sick, the country broke and vulnerable, the government must show patience and stand idle to give the private sector a chance to milk it before they get around to addressing the crisis by looking out the window as they fly over the wreckage.

Great fucking post, man.

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