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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Griper Blade: Sitting Out a Global Economic Shift

For the sake of argument, let's say I've become convinced that global warming is a bunch of crap. After all, it snowed this winter, which I guess is supposed to prove something. And it turns out that scientists haven't been conducting their research to non-scientists' liking. Of course, the facts don't really back up the "bunch of hooey" scenario. In 1960, the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere was less than 320 parts per billion. Today, that number is nearly 390. We're literally changing the chemical makeup of our atmosphere and some are seriously arguing that we can do that without consequence. Ice sheets are melting at an alarming rate, sea levels are rising, and we just lived through the hottest decade in recorded history. If these facts aren't good enough for you, then you're just uneducable - either because you're incapable of appreciating reality or because you've chosen not to.

Now, let's say I'm one of the fools; maybe I fell down the stairs and suffered a head injury. Maybe I lost my mind and decided to reject reality. Maybe I've started putting whiskey on my corn flakes. Whatever, I'm now totally convinced that everything's fine. There is no such thing as human caused climate change.

I'm saying we ought to play along with the dopes who believe it. Let's face it, the only places that this is even an argument are the US and UK -- the vast majority of the people on the planet believe it. And they're going to do something about it. That means they're going to buy stuff. They're going to buy solar panels and wind generators. They're going to buy trains and batteries. They're going to buy insulation and hybrid cars. Now, they can buy them from the US or we can stand on the sidelines, say global warming is a bunch of crap, and laugh at nations developing new technologies and new markets. We can sit this one out, cut ourselves off from this new green economy, let all that money and all those jobs go to other countries -- because we're so much smarter than all those other chumps and climate change is a hoax... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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