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Friday, April 09, 2010

Griper Blade: How Glenn Beck has his Cake and Eats it Too

If you turn on right wing talk radio or FOX News talk shows, you'll hear a mixture of anger, hatred, ridiculous hyperbole, and out and out lies. It's an every day sort of thing, the wallpaper of some people's lives. There are those who only get their news from these sources and it renders them idiotic. Take a trip through the front page of Media Matter for America any day of the week, any week of the year, and you'll see plenty of examples. There's stupidity, lies, more lies, and hate. People who use these media sources -- free though they are -- are getting ripped off. They're spending moments of their limited lifespan hanging on "information" that isn't worth a damn.

Turns out there's big money in spreading fertilizer on the wingnut masses, though. If you believe in some cosmic scale of justice, some sort of karmic balance, then I'm sorry to burst your bubble; the people who spend their adult lives attacking, lying, whipping up the gullible, fearmongering, and spreading hate are rewarded for it. Rewarded very well.

Huffington Post:

Just how handsomely does it pay to be one of the most controversial men in America? For Glenn Beck, $32 million.

Beck, who became a household name in 2009, pulled in the shocking sum through a revenue stream that includes books, radio, TV, digital media, and speaking fees.

$32 million dollars for being the craziest man to host a TV snakepit in the history of TV snakepits. Not bad for someone who has yet to come up with a show that in any way reflects reality. The BS distribution sector is apparently a booming, recession-proof growth industry... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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