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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Griper Blade: People in Glass News Networks Shouldn't Throw Stones

I wrote about Jon Stewart's response to FOX News' yesterday, but only briefly. Taking one last trip through my RSS feeds last night, I found a post by Steve Benen that convinced me to go into a little more depth. For those of you who need catching up, a Daily Show/FOX News feud all started with this segment, where Stewart called out FOX on their hypocrisy:

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Now, as you can see, The Daily Show wasn't just critical of FOX, but of the news media in general. While it's fun to show how goofy the teabaggers are -- God knows I love to -- TV News spends very little time showing how wrong they are and explaining the issues. Still, at the end, Stewart singles out FOX. Apparently FOX believes the rest of the media is generalizing about the teabaggers, which is the worst thing ever, but that it's entirely fair for FOX to generalize about liberals. Stewart ends the segment the only way a rational, dispassionate media critic can -- by telling FOX, "Go f*ck yourselves."... [CLICK FOR FULL POST]

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