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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Griper Blade: Calling Teapartiers Racist Offends Rightwing PC

Woman with racist signThe Tea Party is angry. They're angry about taxes -- at a time when their taxes where almost certainly reduced. They're angry about government spending -- after being silent about an eight-year government spending spree. They're angry about intrusive, big government -- while supporting candidates who advocate torture, warrantless wiretapping, government regulation the sort of sex you're allowed to have, and keeping women pregnant against their will. Hypocrisy seems to be a hallmark of the teabaggers, along with runaway ignorance and a new -- and disturbing -- sort of politically correctness.

But one thing the Tea Party is most definitely not is racist. Pointing out racists among the teabaggers is mostly definitely verboten by their new PC. And, since the teabaggers are just an extension of the Republican Party's base, it is likewise most un-PC to accuse the party of racism. And now the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is being most un-PC.

ABC News:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People this evening unanimously passed a resolution that calls on Tea Party members to repudiate what [NAACP President Ben] Jealous says are "ultra-nationalist and racist factions within the organization."

The resolution said the Tea Party members have used "racial epithets," have verbally abused black members of Congress and threatened them, and protestors have engaged in "explicitly racist behavior" and "displayed signs and posters intended to degrade people of color generally and President Barack Obama specifically."...[CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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