If you ever needed to measure just how fundamentally insincere Republicans are about fixing the economy by reducing the deficit, National Republican Congressional Committee chairman Rep. Pete Sessions created a handy yardstick on Sunday's Meet the Press. On that program, two GOP party bigs gathered -- with brave, funereal expressions -- to explain what Republicans will do after the next election cycle. Or, more accurately, to pretend to explain it. In actuality, they'd come to be talking point machines, spitting out focus group-tested slogans that sound good, but say nothing. Host David Gregory gave it a good try, but he could not get Pete to crack. Chairman Sessions -- like Republican National Senatorial Committee chair Sen. John Cornyn -- would only talk about vague goals, not the methods they would use to reach those goals.
If this was a used car lot, you'd start to get the impression that maybe this great deal Honest Pete was trying to give you was a deal on a lemon. "Sessions was, as Gregory noted, dabbling in talking points," reported Sam Stein for Huffington Post, "or, to distill it even further, just repeating the question in the form of an answer. (How are you going to balance the budget? We are going to balance the budget.)"...[CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

If this was a used car lot, you'd start to get the impression that maybe this great deal Honest Pete was trying to give you was a deal on a lemon. "Sessions was, as Gregory noted, dabbling in talking points," reported Sam Stein for Huffington Post, "or, to distill it even further, just repeating the question in the form of an answer. (How are you going to balance the budget? We are going to balance the budget.)"...[CLICK TO READ FULL POST]