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Monday, August 09, 2010

Boehner Makes Less as Minority Leader Than He Spends on Golf

I saw this ad over at Crooks and Liars and a little fact struck me. First the ad, from Blue America endorsing Boehner opponent Justin Coussoule:

And now the little fact: the house minority leader makes $193,400 a year. So his day job covers less than 4/5ths of his golf bill. Meanwhile, here's his financial disclosure form from 2008 [pdf] -- lots of five- and six-figure numbers in there. Clearly, Boehner's salary isn't even walking around money to him.

No wonder he doesn't take governing seriously. People need to ask themselves who John Boehner's working for, because it's clearly not for the majority of the voters. It seems to be those in his own elite class of investors.

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