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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Griper Blade: Teabaggers Don't Really Understand Money

Empty walletIt's official; teabaggers don't really get it. When it comes to financing, they're as clueless as they are about economics. A movement that's defined mostly by the things they're against, the Tea Party has made one of those things very clear -- they're against spending money. It's a newly-found stinginess when it comes to federal spending, coming after nearly a decade of out-of-control money-shoveling by the Bush administration. See, it doesn't count when a Republican does it, because pointlessly invading foreign nations is patriotic. Keep in mind, these talk radio-fueled morons are the same ones who attacked the patriotism of anyone who opposed that big money fire that was the invasion of Iraq. But hypocrisy on the right is nothing new.

What is new is consistency. The teabaggers don't want to spend money -- not tax dollars, not pre-tax dollars. This is destroying them.


Some leading tea party activists are concerned that their efforts to reshape American politics, starting with the 2010 elections, are being undermined by a shortage of cash that s partly the result of a deep ambivalence within the movement's grass roots over the very idea of fundraising and partly attributable to an inability to win over the wealthy donors who fund the conservative establishment...[CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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