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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Griper Blade: What the GOP Calls "The Economy" Isn't Really the Economy

Door labeled Unemployment OfficeIf Democrats want to limit their losses in November, it might be a good idea to start pointing out that, of the two parties, Democrats are the ones who give a damn. Because Republicans clearly don't. Faced with massive unemployment and a sluggish economy, the Republican's plan is worse than nothing -- do everything that hasn't been working, but do more of it. According to Laura Bassett of the Huffington Post, "The Economic Freedom Act of 2010 -- introduced by Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) -- proposes deep tax cuts favoring the wealthiest in America, a reduction in regulatory oversight and the elimination of a federal tax on the estates of millionaires, which will allow wealthy investors to escape taxes entirely on a significant portion of their income." I guess if there's one group in America who really need a handout right now, it's those Kurt Vonnegut once described as the "fabulously well-to-do." If you need a refresher course on how Republican supply-side economics works, Stephen Colbert recently explained it -- pretty damned accurately, by the way. Put less comedically, supply-siders believe that everyone other than the wealthy live off the crumbs the rich leave at the table, so the rich need a huge banquet every night. The unspoken assumption is that, unless you're a captain of industry, you're not actually doing anything for the economy. Big People who do Big Things are the sole drivers of employment and economic growth.

Where has this thinking gotten us? Well, Bush subscribed to this idea and, as a direct result, had the worst record of jobs growth since jobs numbers began being tracked. So, of course, Republicans argue we have to do more of that. It may not have worked at any point up until now, but this time for sure.

What Democrats need to do is point all of this out. Not only will it set Republicans back, but it'll embarrass idiotic Democrats who sorely need to be embarrassed. Americans need to be introduced to Alexandra Jarrin and Paul Krugman. Krugman is, of course, a Nobel Prize-winning economist and columnist for the New York Times. Meet Alexandra Jarrin. Jarrin is a "99er" -- someone who's used the maximum 99 weeks of unemployment benefits:...[CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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