Chevron gets punked. Couldn't happen to a nicer oil giant. Now here's the news...
GOP voter suppression efforts expand to the liberal-leaning Houston, Texas area. This time, it's so bad that even a old Bushie with a history of voter suppression can't stand by and watch it happen.
Joe Miller's inevitable march to Washington isn't so inevitable anymore. Miller and Murkowski are dead even in polling for the Alaska senate race.
The NAACP passed a resolution in July denouncing racism in the tea party movement. The right's response: smear Shirley Sherrod -- a relatively unknown USDA official -- as a racist, thus "proving" blacks are racist against whites. That didn't work out very well (for reasons besides being a completely illogical argument that had nothing to do with tea party racism) and everyone in the tea party hoped the issue would go away. Now, the NAACP backs up its accusation with a truly exhaustive report on tea party ties to racist organizations. Should we expect another out-of-context attack from Andrew Breitbart soon?
Maureen Dowd continues to be a groundbreaker by concluding that Sarah Palin is a dummy. It's that sort of ahead-of-the-pack thinking that gets you a column in the New York Times. Palin responds by displaying her broad knowledge of the press: "That's so funny, because I don't think I've met that gal, Maureen Dowd, O'Dowd, whatever the heck her name is" -- then it's all "Mamma grizzly, mamma grizzly, mamma grizzly." Boy howdy!
George W. Bush says, "I miss being pampered." You're just a rich guy now, George. You actually have to hire people to do that. Life is hell for former presidents.
Frequent Fox News references to Media Matters as being "Soros-funded" are now true.
Finally, the DNC raised $17 million in September which, according to Greg Sargent, is "its highest monthly total ever." The reason for the sudden burst in giving: attacks on the secret funding of GOP-friendly attack ads -- a strategy many pundits said would go nowhere. "Of that $17 million in September, over 90 percent came in donations of under $200..." Sargent reports, "a figure Dems will surely contrast with the huge amounts of corporate money being raised on the right."
On a related note, the Sunlight Foundation -- which is dedicated to transparency in politics -- calls the secret funding "dark money." I'm so going to steal that.
GOP voter suppression efforts expand to the liberal-leaning Houston, Texas area. This time, it's so bad that even a old Bushie with a history of voter suppression can't stand by and watch it happen.
Joe Miller's inevitable march to Washington isn't so inevitable anymore. Miller and Murkowski are dead even in polling for the Alaska senate race.
The NAACP passed a resolution in July denouncing racism in the tea party movement. The right's response: smear Shirley Sherrod -- a relatively unknown USDA official -- as a racist, thus "proving" blacks are racist against whites. That didn't work out very well (for reasons besides being a completely illogical argument that had nothing to do with tea party racism) and everyone in the tea party hoped the issue would go away. Now, the NAACP backs up its accusation with a truly exhaustive report on tea party ties to racist organizations. Should we expect another out-of-context attack from Andrew Breitbart soon?
Maureen Dowd continues to be a groundbreaker by concluding that Sarah Palin is a dummy. It's that sort of ahead-of-the-pack thinking that gets you a column in the New York Times. Palin responds by displaying her broad knowledge of the press: "That's so funny, because I don't think I've met that gal, Maureen Dowd, O'Dowd, whatever the heck her name is" -- then it's all "Mamma grizzly, mamma grizzly, mamma grizzly." Boy howdy!
George W. Bush says, "I miss being pampered." You're just a rich guy now, George. You actually have to hire people to do that. Life is hell for former presidents.
Frequent Fox News references to Media Matters as being "Soros-funded" are now true.
Finally, the DNC raised $17 million in September which, according to Greg Sargent, is "its highest monthly total ever." The reason for the sudden burst in giving: attacks on the secret funding of GOP-friendly attack ads -- a strategy many pundits said would go nowhere. "Of that $17 million in September, over 90 percent came in donations of under $200..." Sargent reports, "a figure Dems will surely contrast with the huge amounts of corporate money being raised on the right."
On a related note, the Sunlight Foundation -- which is dedicated to transparency in politics -- calls the secret funding "dark money." I'm so going to steal that.