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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stories to Watch: 3/15/11

Dave Weigel identifies a GOP problem for 2012: Republican governors suck and there's more than one state eager to vote Democrat to either get rid of them or hamstring their agendas.

After (actually, during) the Fukushima nuclear incident, the New York Times gets behind nuclear power. We just gotta go the extra mile to make sure it's safe, they argue. In case you missed it, here's what I think of that: join us in the real world, NYT editorial board.

Washington Post has a good visual blow-by-blow of the incident in Japan.


Yesterday, got hold of an email from Wisconsin state Senate majority leader Scott Fitzgerald informing Senate Republicans that the Democrats were "still in contempt of the Senate" and, "when taking roll call votes on amendments and bills during executive sessions, Senate Democrats’ votes will not be reflected in the Records of Committee Proceedings or the Senate Journal."

Apparently, once that got out, stuff really hit the fan. Now Fitz is saying that he's dropping the whole contempt thing, Senate Democrats can have real votes, and can't everyone just put this little unpleasantness behind them?

Question for Fitzgerald; did you honestly believe we weren't watching?


Shelly Bachmann gets mad because people expect a serious presidential candidate to, like, know stuff. Oooh, the media can be so unfair!

People don't want a government shutdown and would blame Republicans if it happened, polling shows. The Tea Party response? "Damn the torpedoes! Americans want a shutdown!" That ought to work out well for them.

Finally, Mainer Stephen King lets his politics out of the box. He's called Republican Govs. Walker (WI), Scott (FL), and LePage (ME) stooges, saying, "Larry, Curly and Moe. That's what we've got here." Now he's said that LePage is a "stone brain." Don't know if that's going to change anyone's mind, but it's fun and I like it.
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