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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stories to Watch: 3/27/11

It's Sunday, so that means sourdough. I've got starter bubbling in the kitchen and I'll make dough later. Then I put it in the fridge overnight and raise and bake it the next day. This seems to work the best so far. Tomorrow, fresh bread. I'm also thinking of making this puffed pancake for dinner, because I'm a big fan of the brinner. Now here's the news...

Juan Cole continues to make the humanitarian case for military action in Libya.

Also on Libya, I continue to be amazed that no one in the media is asking how it's going. Turns out, it's still going pretty well.

As protesters riot in England over budget and spending cuts, John Hinderaker -- in true, panicky, histrionic neocon fashion -- sees the end of British civilization. His suggestion for saving the UK from dissolution? Fire cannons at the protesters. No, really. Scroll down to the end of the piece.

It probably should be pointed out that Newt Gingrich is a serious candidate for the GOP nomination. He's also a ridiculous boob.

Speaking of which, Michele Bachmann was a big hit at a rightwing shindig in Iowa. Steve Benen asks a crucial question here; "Are those right-wing activists enamored with Bachmann thinking, 'I can't wait to support her campaign' or are they thinking, 'She's terrific, but there's no chance I'll ever vote for her'?"

UW historian William Cronon, under fire from the GOP for pointing out who's behind the Republican heist in Wisconsin, is proven right with a single headline: "State GOP health bills mirror model ALEC legislation."

In addition to the horrible abuse of oregano, another reason to skip Godfather's Pizza.

Finally, Libya has jack to do with the price of oil.
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