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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/13/11

Been watching old episodes of MST3K lately, so if I seem a little smartassier than usual, that'll be the explanation I'm going with. Now here's the news...

Paul Krugman reviews President Obama's budget speech: "Overall, way better than the rumors and trial balloons. I can live with this. And whatever the pundits may say, it was much, much more serious than the Ryan 'plan.'" Greg Sargent says, "Obama made the moral case for what it means to be a Democrat." Steve Benen gets all alliterative, calling it a "rousing rejection of Republican radicalism." No big shocker: Republicans didn't like it very much.

The CBO scores the budget compromise between the White House and House Republicans and finds that John Boehner either lied to his base about all the cuts (not unbelievable) or got ska-rooooooed. The party, having painted itself into a corner, announces -- through Eric Cantor -- that they've got the votes to pass it anyway.

The Associated Press gets hoaxed and GE's nearly non-existent tax liability is suddenly headline news again.

The religious right actually gives a fuck about toenails in J. Crew ads.

Finally, Scott Walker and David Prosser Koch up Wisconsinites' drinking water.
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