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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/14/11

Short one today. I'm making pizza. It gets involved. Now here's the news...

The budget deal that averted a government shutdown passes in both the House and the Senate. Both support and opposition in the House were decidedly bipartisan. According to the report, "Voting for the plan were 179 Republicans and 81 Democrats. Fifty-nine Republicans and 108 Democrats voted against it." There was less drama in the Senate, where it passed 81 to 19.

Donald Trump continues to play the media, making headlines by acting like a fool.

Jim DeMint sure likes comparing things to Waterloo.

The words "Rep. Paul Broun" and "nutty" sure seem to wind up together a lot.

Finally, pious moron Rick Santorum's prez campaign is off to a nice start. ThinkProgress reports, "Rick Santorum Borrows Campaign Slogan From Pro-Union Poem Written By Gay Rights Advocate."
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