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Friday, April 15, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/15/11

How about that new Statue of Liberty stamp, huh? You'd think someone would've actually looked at the photo. Seems completely obvious to me. Now here's the news...

House dems painted the GOP into a corner today, essentially forcing them to vote against what would've been a conservative wet dream. Hilarity ensued.

That was fun. But Paul Ryan's marginally less insane budget proposal passed anyway.

President Obama is caught on a hot mic ripping on Republicans.

Tim Pawlenty seems to believe he can win the White House by embracing an alternate reality.

Incumbent Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser is one step closer to victory, but Kloppenburg's close enough to get a free recount.

But not as alternate a reality as Tennessee state Rep. Frank Nicely, who seems to believe that Albert Einstein was a Christian fundamentalist.

Finally, DCCC Chairman Steve Israel says the vote to pass Ryan's Medicare-scrapping budget will cost Republicans the House.
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