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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/21/11

Wisconsin voters are split on recalling Gov. Scott Walker. For a guy who won easily, this is bad news. Here's hoping he hasn't bottomed out yet. Now here's the (rest of the) news...

Amazon's network problems continue, bringing down major internet sites and no doubt improving worker productivity for the day.

President Obama approves the use of predator drones in Libya. Expect plenty of stories about innocent people being killed by drones, because that seems to be what they're best at. If it were up to me, they'd be listed as "technology that doesn't quite work yet" and they'd be back on the drawing board, not out in the field.

Another town hall event goes off the rails over GOP plans to replace Medicare.

Obama takes a shot at global warming deniers in congress.

Scandal-plague Republican Sen. John Ensign will retire in 2012.

The Onion gets it right on Mittens Romney and Republican voters. No, really.

Reason no. 7,346,627,403 why I don't bother with the Drudge Report.
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