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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/28/11

Cold. Dark. Drizzly. I don't want to talk about it. No here's the news...

Now that we've (failed to) put the birther thing behind us, here's more ridiculous horseshit polluting our national dialogue -- all debunked.

Donald Trump doesn't like being called racist, but goes ahead and tells a black journalist -- absent any evidence other than skin color -- "I know you are a big Obama fan."

And, no matter what Trump is, Oklahoma Republican state rep Sally Kern is most definitely and inarguably racist.

Put the storms that rolled through the south last night together and it qualifies as one big natural disaster and national tragedy.

Ben Stein's a jerk. Rep. Allen West is a coward.

A really great flowchart on whether or not you should care about the royal wedding.

As is so often the case, a Republican proposal -- this time Paul Ryan's fantasy-economics porn -- loses a lot of support in polls once voters are told what's really in it. Once again, I find myself wishing there were some sort of "news media" capable of informing people.

Finally, Democratic recalls against Republicans are going swimmingly.
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