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Friday, April 29, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/29/11

I'm grilling burgers tonight. Whoohoo! Envy me. Now here's the news...

Paul Krugman's campaign to get talking heads to see Paul Ryan for what he is continues: "the man they decided was an upright, honest deficit hawk is in fact an evasive, dissembling guy who wants to use the deficit, not end it."

Following a long tradition dating back to at least to Clinton, some Democrats continue to believe that out-nujobbing the right is a good idea. In this case, by joining in on the GOP's war against raising the debt limit. Adopt all their positions to win elections... Ha! That'll show those Republicans...

In related news, Dems form a secretive political PAC with shadowy corporate donors. Thanks Citizens United ruling! Welcome to the new normal.

The more Americans see of the Tea Party, the less they like them.

Texican President Rick Perry complains that he's not getting enough American foreign aid. Oh wait, they didn't secede like he said they might, did he?

Finally, Americans to Washingtonians: Screw the deficit. Can we please talk about jobs?
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