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Monday, April 04, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/4/11

I made some English muffins today. From scratch. Turns out you can do that. Now here's the news...

Matt Yglesias asks, "Will Paul Ryan propose a giant tax hike to make tax cuts for the rich affordable?" The answer: sure looks that way. The question is whether the rest of the party will be willing to jump off that particular cliff with him.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be tried by a military tribunal at Gitmo. While the media is portraying this as a "reversal," Steve Benen points out that congress made any other outcome impossible.

John Boehner seems stuck on stupid.

Obama officially announces he's running for reelection, surprising absolutely no one.

Mike Huckabee's days as governor come back to haunt him.

Finally, Koch Industries' DC offices get some visitors.
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