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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/6/11

I am golden. No one I voted for yesterday lost. Even the referenda won. Off to buy a lottery ticket. Now here's the news...

The GOP spin on liberal JoAnne Kloppenburg winning the Wisconsin Supreme Court race? It's a big victory -- for Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans. No, really. Greg Sargent breaks down all the ways in which this is laughable BS. And here's another reason why losing isn't really winning, straight from within the Walker administration itself.

Glenn Beck will "transition off" from Fox News, which is fancy-talk for "he's being fired for lousy ratings and general nutjobbery."

After reading his budget proposal, people are wondering if Rep. Paul Ryan has broken with reality. Side note: Ryan's from Wisconsin and things did not go well in his district last night.

Boehner on the budget standoff: "Boo-hoo-hoo!"

A new Gallup poll shows that people don't want a shutdown and aren't happy with the way the GOP is handling things. Maybe that's what Boehner was crying about.

This is how insane the GOP base has become; a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll puts Romney at the head of the Republican pack, followed by... Donald Trump.

More fun with polling: people think John Boehner sucks. There's just so much for him to cry over!

Finally, bad news for Wisconsin recall target Spanky Kapanke, followed by more bad news.
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