Long and unexpectedly sad weekend. Now here's the news...
I'm detecting a pattern. Republicans freak people out about things that aren't actually happening, get elected, then make sure those things happen. When the healthcare reform debate was going on, the GOP scared everyone with the idea that Democrats were "destroying" Medicare. What did they do after getting elected? Put forward a plan to destroy Medicare. And Republican-controlled state governments are getting right to work instituting death panels. Check the next GOP nominee's birth certificate, because -- if the trend holds -- they'll be a secret Muslim terr'ist from Kenya.
20,000 rally at the Wisconsin State Capital to remind everyone that we're still pissed off and there will be recalls.
Here's a shocking surprise: given the choice between running interference for scandal-plagued Republican Sen. John Ensign and reporting on the story, Fox ran interference. They report, you decide -- except of course when they choose not to report.
Donald Trump's fake campaign may be at an end, but we can be sure his fucknuttery will still pop up from time to time.
Paul Ryan and Newt Gingrich are having a lovers quarrel. If those two crazy kids can't make it work, what hope is there for the rest of us?
The case against IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn looks really, really bad. Just really, really, really bad.
Happy Debt Limit Day! Krugman does not have good things to say about Republicans.
The lunatic 20% are back -- 1 in 5 believe that Osama bin Laden isn't dead.
Another day, another blow for torture fans.
Finally, ACORN is planning to destroy democracy by getting Barack Obama elected! Two reasons to see good news in the latest rightwing nutjob freakout: 1) they're running out of crazyassed, paranoid conspiracy theories and 2) they're embracing recycling.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Stories to Watch: 5/16/11
Barack Obama|Dominique Strauss-Kahn|Donald Trump|Headlines|International Monetary Fund|John Ensign|Medicare|news|Newt Gingrich|politics|republican|
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