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Friday, May 20, 2011

Stories to Watch: 5/20/11

You ever wish your PC had an ass, so you could kick it? Now here's the news...

Obama, Netanyahu meet. Not a lot accomplished.

Everyone on the right is saying that Obama threw Israel "under the bus" with his call for a return to 1967 borders. The Anti-Defamation Leagues Abe Foxman disagrees -- but that's probably because he's so antisemitic.

Are you a bright teen who thinks it would be fun to debate Michele Bachmann on the subject of the Constitution? Then get ready for threats of rape and violence. Bachmann is a Tea Party hero and apparently the 'baggers have decided that calling 16 year-old Amy Myers a "whore" and threatening to publish her home address so nuts can come have their way with her is what the founders had envisioned.

Fox big Roger Ailes doesn't like that Chris Matthews said Sarah Palin is "pathetic." Luckily, there's no reason for anyone at MSNBC to give a fuck what Roger Ailes thinks.

Speaking of Sarah, apparently she's got heartburn or something. Get well soon, Moose-o-lini!

Story #4,307 about how Mittens Romney has a problem because GOP bigots hate Mormons. We get it.

A recess appointment for Elizabeth Warren gets some backing.

Finally, how are all those new GOP governors doing? Not so good.

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