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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Stories to Watch: 5/3/11

I've got a new feature, mobile versions of the blogs:

Pretty cool, huh? The only problem -- no links. But it's free, so it's better than nothing. Check back, I may find a better solution later. Right now, if you need links too, try here. Not the prettiest layout, but it works. Now here's the news...

Who should we bring into the counter-terrorism game? Believe it or not, ecosystem geographers. They predicted bin Laden's wherabouts in 2009.

Bin Laden apparently did not use his wife as a human shield.

The White House will, more likely than not, release photos of bin Laden's body. Get ready for a seriously gruesome image you won't want to share with the kids. Here's hoping networks have the brains not to air them.

And you wingnuts can shut up with the "Yay for torture" crap now.

Condi Rice get's astoundingly hyperbolic.

In non-bin Laden news, the first GOP debate looks to have a lot of empty chairs.

Finally, now is a perfect time to write a bill to kick people off Medicare, because the media isn't really paying attention.

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