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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stories to Watch: 6/11/11

As news that Republicans plan to run phony Democrats in recall primaries sinks in, Wisconsin Democrats realize that two can play that game.

Attacking beer in Wisconsin isn't going to help Republicans here any either.

John Stossel is having a hot, torrid love affair with the straw man argument.

That Washington Post poll that put Mittens ahead of Obama is beginning to seem like an outlier. Yet another poll is out showing that the President leads all Republicans and that Romney "performs the best of a poorly performing group, trailing Obama by six points, 39% to 45%."

A former top Gingrich aide confirms the obvious; that Newt's campaign is "essentially over." Cause of death: the impression among staffers that the whole thing was just a scheme to sell books and videos -- or, at least, that a fire sale on all things Newt was taking precedence over actual campaigning. "We didn't sign up to be hucksters for products for sale," ABC quotes one senior staffer as complaining in an email.

Finally, the next time you hear the words "David Barton" and "historian" in the same sentence, go ahead and laugh until you cry.

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