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Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Stories to Watch: 6/7/11

I've been looking for something to watch before I go to bed. There's a dead spot when nothing's on TV. If I start doing something else, I lose track of time and wind up hitting the sack at stupid o'clock. Same with reading. I got hold of some old episodes of Mannix, believe it or not, and that just might fit the bill. Now here's the news...

A new Washington Post poll puts Mittens ahead of President Obama. From a historical perspective at this point in the race (such as it is), this puts Romney in such hallowed company as Walter Mondale, Bob Dole, and George H.W. Bush. It's probably a bad time to start measuring the drapes.

Also from the Post: Glenn Kessler factchecks Obama, so the White House factchecks Kessler.

Tim Pawlenty joins the Paul Ryan school of economics by pulling numbers straight out of his butt. Of course, that's because his real numbers suck.

The GOP accuses Democrats of wanting to destroy Medicare. You read that right.

Finally, 42% of Republicans say they wouldn't vote for Sarah Palin.

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