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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stories to Watch: 7/10/11

I kind of want to grill out tonight, but it's supposed to rain. Should I risk it? I just might. Now here's the news...

Not content with taking away workers' rights in Wisconsin, Gov. Walker also decides to steal their pensions.

More of the GOP"s idea of "shared sacrifice"; Boehner wants to scale back spending cuts in order to protect tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. We can give up less in order to pay for a free ride for Wall Street types, because that's fair. Steve Benen detects a lack of leadership on the speaker's part.

The White House responds to the news with a statement saying, "[W]e cannot ask the middle-class and seniors to bear all the burden of higher costs and budget cuts. We need a balanced approach that asks the very wealthiest and special interests to pay their fair share as well, and we believe the American people agree." expect whiny cries of "SOCIALISM!" any second now.

Proof that conservative blogger Don Surber is a dumbass: he sees the Bachmann pledge story as an attempt by commies and the Administration and George Soros to sabotage her campaign. Buddy, if there's one person the left wants running against Obama, it's Shelly Bachmann. I wouldn't be surprised if some lefties are donating to her.

High levels of cesium -- 4.6 times normal -- have been detected in beef from Fukushima Prefecture in Japan. This as reports come in that the country has been hit by another major quake.

Finally, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell restates his belief that stopping an Obama reelection is the "single most important thing we want to achieve." Not jobs, not the economy, but politics. I repeat what I said last week; if you think the GOP is working for you and you aren't a billionaire, then you're a chump.

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