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Monday, July 18, 2011

Stories to Watch: 7/18/11

Geez is it hot. And I'm going to grill. Because I'm stupid, I guess. I'm planning on standing out there by a fire in this heat. You could melt lead in the shade. Yeah, I'm crazy -- but it's gonna be so good. Add "guys from Wisconsin" to Noel Coward's "Mad dogs and Englishmen" quote. Now here's the news...

The whistleblower who helped get the phone-hacking scandal ball rolling, former News of the World entertainment reporter Sean Hoare, was found dead in his home today. He had a history of alcohol and drug abuse and police say the death is "not suspicious," but that won't stop a lot of people from thinking it sounds pretty suspicious to them.

Rupert Murdoch and the folks at the very top of News Corp. seemed to think they could manage this scandal -- right up to the point that it all got away from them.

With a CBS poll showing that the GOP has lost the debt limit debate, the rightwing blogosphere does what it always does when confronted with facts it doesn't like -- attack the research. As they say on Mythbusters: "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

President Obama says he'd veto the insane plan for raising the debt ceiling that House Republicans are cooking up. Of course, this is the worst thing ever -- never mind that it would never even get to the floor of the Senate anyway.

Out as a potential head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Elizabeth Warren may take a shot at getting Ted Kennedy's seat back from Scott Brown.

Rep. Louie Gohmert verifies that he's a freakin' moron.

As does Indiana Republican Rep. Todd Rokita.

What the hell, throw everyone in the gay conservative group GOProud on the moron train as well.

Finally, Harry Potter wants to lead American children to Hell. So you want to watch out for that.

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