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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stories to Watch: 7/20/11

Hot. I left some pig iron laying out in the backyard and it melted. True story. Now here's the news...

Even Eric Cantor's wealthy donors think the rich should pay more in taxes. Meanwhile, the forecast for a debt limit deal in time gets very, very cloudy.

After holding out for a "grand bargain," the White House now says it's open to a short-term debt deal to avoid default.

Sen. Tom Harkin dares state the obvious; "One of our two parties has morphed into kind of a cult driven by a singular fixation and obsession: preserving tax breaks for the wealthy at all costs."

Al Franken nails Focus on the Family to the wall during a Senate hearing on the Defense Of Marriage Act. Fact-based governance -- what a concept.

Tim Pawlenty makes it pretty obvious he was the one who dropped the Bachmann migraine story.

Rep. Allen West is such an asshole.

If the election were held today and it was between Obama and Romney, it would be tight.

Finally, the AFL-CIO points out that of six Wisconsin primaries against Republican plants running as Democrats and the first general recall election last night, Democrats have not lost a single recall contest so far.

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