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Monday, July 25, 2011

Stories to Watch: 7/25/11

My bedroom fan died and I had to get a new one. It was weird, because it just quit in the middle of the night and I woke up instantly. The new one is a lot quieter, but it pumps out a lot more air. Seriously, the last one was a lot of fan-noise and very little fan-action. Like you care. Now here's the news...

Proof that Boehner's less of a leader and more of a figurehead; when he came up with a plan to raise the debt ceiling, he had to clear it with Rush Limbaugh. Not that that helped any. Nate Silver looks at Boehner's position and finds it extremely tough for him to get the votes.

ABC News' Jonathan Karl puts the odds of beating the August 2 debt limit deadline at 40%. I'm thinking that makes him a cockeyed optimist. It's starting to look like the GOP has made government so dysfunctional that they couldn't arrange to find their own butts with a flashlight, compass, map, and Sherpa guide.

The right's stretchy, illogical, and perplexing effort to pin the blame for the Norway terror attacks on -- wait for it -- Muslims.

On a related note, Fox & Friends continues to be the stupidest and most shameless thing on TV.

Speaking of shameless, here's a bit of shameless racism: a black student at an Arkansas high school was denied the valedictorian honor, despite having highest grade-point average of her class. According to the report, "school administrators and personnel treated two other white students as heir[s] apparent to the valedictorian and salutatorian spots." Don't follow that link if you don't want to get mad.

After being defeated at the box office, Sarah Palin's movie Undefeated is headed for pay-per-view, where it'll probably be defeated by porn.

Hey, remember that whole election thing? Yeah, Shelly Bachmann and Timmy Pawlenty are tearing each other's throats out. So that's going well.

Finally, the Norwegian terrorist wingnut really, really, really liked a bunch of rightwing bloggers and pundits. Of course, pointing that uncomfortable fact out is the worst thing ever.
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