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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Stories to Watch: 7/26/11

I skipped the roundup today because I finally figured out what was wrong with the sensors on my garage door opener. But it meant a couple of hours shut up in an extremely hot garage, where I'm pretty sure my brain got a little fried. It's a whole big, long, uninteresting story involving LED indicators and rewiring the garage. Along with a whole lot of abandoned spider webs. Bring on the lemonade. Now here's the news...

Palpable irony alert: Eric Cantor tells House Republicans to "quit whining" and vote on Boehner's debt limit plan. In related news, Wile E. Coyote calls on everyone to stop being such dicks to the Roadrunner.

Not that it matters any, Harry Reid declares Boehner's plan DOA in the Senate.

It's possible that, in his response to the president's televised remarks last night, John Boehner might've said something that was true. If he did, however, Steve Benen can't find it.

Michele Bachmann runs screaming from anything less than fawning media.

Once again, the world is left to wonder why Pat Buchanan has a job on TV at all, let alone MSNBC. He's just an awful, awful human being.

Lunatic Oregon Democratic Rep. David Wu will be a lunatic in the private sector from now on.

Say it with me; it's the GOP's debt that the GOP is freaking out over. Shout it from the rooftops. While you're at it, shout, "Austerity is for morons!"

After the president called on Americans to contact their members of congress, DC was bombarded with calls.

Finally, 30 of 54 economists polled by Reuters believe that the US will lose it's AAA rating. They also believe that "partisan wrangling" (i.e., GOP pigheadedness) in the debt limit fight has already harmed the economy.
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