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Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Stories to Watch: 7/5/11

Hope everyone had a good Fourth. I know I enjoyed it. Now here's the news...

I mentioned earlier today that Richard Cohen compared the GOP to a cult and now it turns out that Republicans have gotten too crazy for David Brooks as well. All of which causes Steve Benen to wonder if the party has lost the punditry. Man, you sure hope so.

Of course, Brooks' column was the worst thing ever.

As Republicans bash Democrats as being weak in defense of Israel, it pays to point out that this strategy isn't working.

Rep. Tammy Baldwin still has eyes for Herb Kohl's senate seat. Hope for this one to pan out, because it'd be like having a second Bernie Sanders in the Senate -- only younger.

The crazy people's candidate of choice; Rick Perry.

Newt's campaign is pretty much flat busted broke.

Bristol Palin says her mom isn't dumb. I've got to say, her mom hides that fact well.

Finally, Michele Bachmann wants to smite the wicked... Or something.
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