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Monday, August 01, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/1/11

Did you hear about this debt limit thing? Turns out people don't like it much. Now here's the news...

Robert Reich hates the debt limit deal.

David Frum hates the debt limit deal.

Paul Krugman hates the debt limit deal.

Steve Benen hates the debt limit deal.

Robert Borosage hates the debt limit deal.

Mittens Romney hates the debt limit deal.

The New York Times editorial board hates the debt limit deal.

Jonathan Chait hates the debt limit deal.

Kevin Drum hates the debt limit deal.

John Bolton hates the debt limit deal.

Sen. Bernie Sanders hates the debt limit deal.

Erick Erickson hates the debt limit deal.

Dean Baker hates the debt limit deal.

Finally, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver hates the debt limit deal.

This may be the least popular piece of legislation to move through congress in your lifetime. What a dog.
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