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Monday, August 15, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/15/11

Going to grill some chicken breasts and have them on home-made pitas with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and lemon honey mustard sauce. Envy me. Now here's the news...

Rick Perry's and Michele Bachmann's Dominionist ties should have all sane people worried.

Although Beth Reinhard at National Journal makes a good case that we really don't have to worry about Bachmann anymore.

Worry about Rick Perry though; not the least because he all but endorsed raising taxes on the retired, impoverished, and disabled in his announcement speech.

Matthew Yglesias learns that it's terribly unfair and dishonest to quote Rick Perry verbatim. Victim cards at the ready, rightwing blogosphere.

Tomorrow is the last round of Wisconsin recall elections. Democrats are defending seats in three races and, while they all poll ahead of their opponents, it's gonna be tight. Or not.

Mittens already seems to be suffering from touring candidate burn out.

The good news: USA Today polled economists and they forecast only a 30% chance we're heading into a second recession. The bad news: that's twice the odds from three months ago.

Finally, Republicans are blocking a tax cut. No, really.
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