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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/16/11

Those lemon honey mustard chicken pitas I told you about yesterday? They were awesome. Bonus: I've got leftovers. All for me. Now here's the news...

Lost in the Rick Perry/Ben Bernanke brouhaha is the fact that Perry was clearly just making shit up off the top of his head. Seriously, watch the video. He stammers and hems and haws and tries to remember if Rush Limbaugh ever said anything about monetary policy. Finally, he pulls out something approximating an answer and it is, of course, dead wrong. It may be big news that he casually threw around the word "treason," but the bigger news is that he had absolutely no idea what the hell he was talking about.

It's interesting that Perry's campaign has not apologized or issued a retraction, instead issuing a statement that makes very little sense given the context. Looks like we've got another Palin here -- a brainless blowhard who won't take responsibility for the idiotic things that escape when his mouth is open. No matter what crazy-assed thing Rick Perry says, the strategy is to pretend it's the truest, most profound thing anyone has ever said in the entire history of people saying things. He'll be putting on his "media victim" costume any minute now.

And, in this edition's last mention of Rick Perry inanity, he's come out strongly against a burdensome, big gummint regulation that doesn't happen to exist.

Another day, another NYT piece pointing out that GOP economic policies are insane. Somebody has to do it and the rest of the media seems to be dropping the ball.

The Weekly Standard is still operating under the delusion that Paul Ryan has a hope in hell of becoming president.

Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are shameless liars. That is all.

Good news/bad news. Bad news first; the Wisconsin electorate is moving away from supporting a recall of Scott Walker, with 50% opposed and 47% in favor. The good news: a majority isn't required to start a recall and, if Walker wound up facing Russ Feingold, Gov. Walker would lose regardless of how people felt about the process.

Finally, the final two Wisconsin senate recalls will be tonight. I said three yesterday, but I don't know what I was thinking. It'll be two dems defending their seats. You can follow the festivities at my Tumblr blog and my Twitter feed. Keep your fingers crossed.
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