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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/25/11

Making lasagna in a crockpot. You'd be amazed at how well this works. Now here's the news...

Hey remember that case where one Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice was accused of choking another? Yeah, a special prosecutor says there won't be any charges filed against anyone. Both David Prosser and Ann Walsh Bradley are in the clear. From what I've been reading, it seems that Sauk County district attorney Patricia Barrett (a Republican, BTW, but so far there's no reason to doubt her) talked to all the witnesses and couldn't really get anything sorted out -- something you'd probably expect when the only witnesses were the state's top lawyers. Neither side is backing away from their story and the prosecutor says that details of the investigation will be released, so we'll see where it goes from there. Still, keep in mind that there aren't any charges for anyone -- meaning Bradley isn't being accused of filing a false report. In other words, when Bradley said she believed she was being choked, the prosecutor doesn't believe she was lying. At this point, the case seems destined to remain unresolved.

Eric Cantor is finding new hostages to take left and right.

John Huntsman continues to try to flank the rest of the GOP field on their left.

A new Pew poll finds voters unhappy with pretty much everyone.

Are we headed for a second market crash?

Hurricane Irene could be pretty dangerous. Stay safe, people.

Finally; that didn't take long. The usual nuts say the east coast quake was a sign from God.
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